Monday, June 23, 2008

George Carlin

George Carlin died over the weekend. He was a spokesman for common sense and a funny, funny man. I was lucky enough to see him live a few times, and they were just great experiences. I respect that he was never afraid to say what he thought or push the limits. Maybe we all need to push the limits a little more often and just say "Really?" He'll definitely be missed.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Mopey Manchester Brilliance

I recently watched Control, which details the rise and eventual suicide of Joy Division lead singer Ian Curtis. The movie was sad, yet oddly engrossing. When it was over, it haunted me for days afterwards.

While watching it, I was mad and irritated with Curtis because he was so self-centered and indulgent. I don't know that I really feel any differently now. I spent a lot of time listening to his music and realized how talented he was. It was a moving film that gave me a little snapshot into a world that otherwise I would not know.

I also watched 24 Hour Party People, which is the odd fluttering story of Tony Wilson and the Manchester music scene. I was really glad to have some knowledge of the scene because if I hadn't, I would have been really lost. It was an odd sort of movie, but was interesting for learning more about Tony Wilson and seeing the The Haçienda in action. Speaking of which, when I was reading up after the film, I found the following clip of the Smith performing at The Haçienda:

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Canadian Cross-dressing Crazies

I can’t believe that I have waited this long to rave about getting to see Kids in the Hall (Dave Foley, Bruce McCulloch, Kevin McDonald, Mark McKinney, Scott Thompson) live! In May, they came to Ruth Eckerd Hall and performed a set of sketches that, much like their show, had me doubled over in my seat laughin. They performed old sketches (Buddy Cole, Chicken Lady, and Head Crusher to name a few) and brought along new sketches that were just as funny, if not more. I particularly liked the high school dances and Foley’s time machine:

I sat a few rows back from the stage, and I could see them react when people were really laughing at things. After watching them for so long on tv, it was weird to have them turn and look at you when you’re hysterical over something. I also saw them (especially Kevin McDonald and Dave Foley) absolutely cracking each other up in the middle of sketches. It was so amazing to see them having such a good time while performing.

I’m still a little heartbroken that I didn’t get my head crushed.

After the show, I was completely addicted to watching the old series again and bought The Kids in the Hall Megaset. If you're a fan, this set includes everything and is completely awesome and classic.
And here's one of my favorite classics:

The what?

I saw M. Night Shyamalan latest movie, The Happening, this weekend.

First of all, I am so sick of people mentioning the “dead people” move every time they talk about one of M.Night’s movies. I can don’t understand why people want to keep watching the same thing.

With that said, I have really enjoyed all of his movies. I am always happy to know when watching his films that the story will be original and character driven.

I thought that The Happening was well cast (loved Marky Mark and Zooey) and had an interesting premise. It really scared me. I feign to tell you that premise because I think it’s better to go in with an open mine. However, I won’t watch it again because it was entirely too graphic. People commit suicide in lots of different ways, and it feels WAY too real for me. There are some things in life that I am much happier to not think about. I still thought it was a well done movie and was happy to spend the time watching it. I would strongly suggest against allowing kids (there were a ton in the theatre!) or anyone even slightly prone to nightmares (me! Just look at my puffy eyes and ask me about my lawn mower dream.) to watch this.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Moonlight Drive... I'll be, the Irish loud...

I’ve been more than a little reminiscent lately. Tonight, I was looking for a letter that a friend wrote me and came across journals that I had to write for a class in high school. I always thought that my teacher was so amazing because he respected everyone’s thoughts and opinions and worshipped Jim Morrison. I even remember him doing his Jim Morrison impersonation in class to make everyone laugh. I loved that an adult treated me that way and was interested in finding out the things that I cared about. For instance, I loved Oasis at the time (Forgive me; I was only 15.), so he let me bring in a CD and we listened to it in class. It’s funny to think about it now because I thought of him as an adult but he was probably only like 22 at the time.
While reading over my old journals, I saw one where I asked him if I was a Beatle which one would I be. He answered John Lennon. I don’t know why, but that really just struck me and made me happy. I see it as an amazing compliment.

It’s interesting to read things like that. I feel like such a different person now. I thought that I was so grown up then, but I was so hyper and silly. But then again, I do feel like exactly the same person. I love old mementos. I love to reminisce and be reminded of things long forgotten.

And from one of my favorite books (The American Night: The Writings of Jim Morrison - man did I ever include some interesting writing in the margins) from the time period:

"As I look back
over my life
I am struck by post
Ruined Snap shots
faded posters
Of a time, I can't recall..."