Thursday, October 6, 2011

A song after a dream... (Pearl Jam)

I know that no one but psychologist find other people's dreams interesting or exciting, but you're going to have to read about mine if you want to know why I picked this song. This morning, I had the best dream ever. Pearl Jam did an impromptu concert on my patio (a la The Beatles rooftop concert in Let It Be). It somehow ended with me talking to Eddie Vedder on the phone for hours. 

After a dream like that, it was essential that I listen to Pearl Jam. With the magic of Sirius, I tuned into Pearl Jam radio for most of the day. The joy of the radio is that I end up hearing things that I most likely wouldn't have even thought to look for on my own (awesome bootlegs and covers from live performances). Within about 30 second of listening to this song, I was completely in love. It's a great song and with Eddie's voice, it's a kind of sexy magic.
Pearl Jam - Harvest Moon

When we were strangers, I watched you from afar. And when we were lovers, I love you with all of my heart...

Also, as a side note, in the heated teenage-angsty battle of 1993 between whether you were an Eddie or Kurt girl, I was always, most definitely an Eddie girl. To this day, I still have a deep respect for his ability to be so unapologetically emotional and outspoken in his art. That takes a ton of courage. I still struggle with being able to be that emotionally honest with myself in my work.

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