Sunday, June 10, 2012

Bibliophilia: Books 27 - 32

27:  Let's Pretend This Never Happened: (A Mostly True Memoir)

If you’re not reading Jenny Lawson’s blog (The Bloggess), I’m sorry. It is definitely the funniest thing that I’ve found on the internet. There are lots of things that cause me to laugh out loud, but her writing makes me uncontrollably laugh and usually when I’m alone at Starbucks at lunch, which causes me to get a lot of weird looks.

I read this in a day. There were moments where the amount of laughter coming from me was embarrassing. Interesting, considering that I am one of the inappropriate laughers ever. It was definitely bizarre, but it was in the most wonderful, perfect, honest way. I appreciate her honesty and her ability to laugh at herself. It is both entertaining and refreshing.

28: Jane Eyre

When I started reading The Eyre Affair, I realized that I would never understand the humor until I read Jane Eyre. I’ve never been a fan of literature from this time period because I find the reading stilted and dense. To my surprise, I was immediately drawn into this book. I loved Jane, but more I adored the gruff, lovelorn Mr. Rochester (the movie version with Michael Fassbender... sigh). I spent an entire rainy day on the couch, engrossed in the book. And then, even though my eyeballs felt like they would fall out of my head at any moment from reading for so long, I wanted to spend the next day rereading it.

 29: The Day After and Other Stories

I’m a big Stand By Me fan and a closet Next Generation fan, so when I see anything by Wil Wheaton, I tend to snap it up. He is definitely one of the most interesting “celebrity” tweeters and I totally dig his music collection. Anyway, this was a book of short stories. I really enjoyed the title story but wasn’t excited about the other ones. However, it did make me interested enough to want to read more of his work.

 30: Vampire

Sometimes, I read dumb books. I can live with that. I love silly, girlie vampire fiction. So, last Halloween when iTunes had specials on “scary” books, I might have (totally did) bought up a bunch of these types of books. I'm always nostaligic about the Fear Street novels, because I couldn't get enough of them in middle school. I remember one about a photographer and his model/girlfriend tied him to a bed and forced cocaine up his nose until he died. Seriously, what the frick was I reading in those formative years. Anyway, this book was far from the best book I’ve ever read, but it did entertain me at lunch for a few days. 

31: Canon EOS Rebel T2i / 550D: From Snapshots to Great Shots

I gifted myself a new DSLR camera. I absolutely love it despite the fact that I have no idea what I’m doing with it yet. This book was great for getting me started. Now, I just need to read it about 15 more times until I retain all of the camera jargony information and process it into information that my brain will actually retain.

32: The Eyre Affair: A Thursday Next Novel

I think that the marketing on the front of this book killed it for me. When you compare your book to Buffy The Vampire Slayer, you put yourself on quite a pedestal in my mind. I’ll forever respect it for making me want to read Jane Eyre, but overall I just sorta liked the book. Dear publishers, unless your book opens up and actually plays episodes of Buffy for me, do yourself a favor and don’t ruin a book by comparing it to it.

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