Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Photo Booths

Some of my favorite photos ever were taken in photo booths. There is something about four quick shots that  keeps people from over thinking and leaves them less self conscious. The photos are usually funny and animated. It captures golden moments of people's personalities.

I'm currently taking an online writing class, which I'm using to focus on improving my blog. In some ways, I want to find my way back to those emotional, rambling, silly posts that I used to write when I started this thing. There is something irrational and lovely about writing about Pacey Witter and Fall while quoting Yates. 

Anyway, one of my first tasks was to update my About Me page. The text was easy, but I struggled over a photograph to use. I put together a collage of different photos through out my life, but it just didn't feel right right on the page.

At my friend Martha's 80's party last week, we were playing around with Incredibooth (a photo app that mimics a photobooth), which was a complete blast. I played with the app tonight, dug through some older shots I had taken, and then photochopped the following together. It was fun, and I kinda dig it on the page. What do you think?

As a side note, and the first photo is my cat Xander photobombing me. He kept putting his paw on my face, which was cracking me up. The moment was too funny, so I had to include it.


O. Ja said...

Your new pictures are good, I like the one with the cat the most :)
Have a nice day!

Unknown said...

Thanks! Yeah, I like that one too because it makes me laugh. :)